For Part C of my arts award I need to explore and research an inspiring person in the arts. And what better was to do research than in a 1-2-1 interview! I’ve gone for local painter Sean Williams because Vicky considers us both 'strange, but in a good way' :D
After doing a little research on the internet I concluded that I was just going to have to work with what I had heard about him. I knew he painted with incredible detail and that what he painted was unusual and a little about his work, and armed with this I came up with a range of questions that would not only help me find out more about him but also about a career as a painter. After work, Vicky and I set off to Bloc Studios where Sean has his studio.
When we got there a smiling Sean led us up a flight of stairs to his cosy studio where these incredibly detailed paintings hung over all of the walls! The detail was truly amazing! And where he worked? Well that was the studio of a TRUE artist - messy, paint everywhere, comfy sofa, works on the wall, and a well stocked mini fridge! He was such a nice man, welcoming us in and telling us how nervous he was. We set up the microphones pretty quickly and I got straight into the interview. These were the questions which I asked;
1. How would you describe yourself as an artist?
2. Why did you want to become an artist? Er, a painter!
3. If you wasn't a painter, what do you think you'd be doing now?
4. Who inspires you the most?
5. The first time it typed you into google to do research for this interview, the only thing that came up were two photos of a treehouse and a garden. I dismissed them as I knew you were a painter. It was only later when I went back to double check I hadn't missed anything that I noticed they were in-fact paintings. How do you fit so much detail into one painting?
6. Why do you paint with the detail that you do?
7. What’s the process you work to?
8. How long does it take to finish an average size piece?
9. Is being a painter you main source of income?
10. What’s got you making work here to Sheffield?
12. Do you have any advice for people considering art as a career?
13. How do you choose what you are going to paint?
To listen to the full interview (which I edited) go to: :)
After the interview we talked for a bit about his studio and how even creative writers (Like me :D ) can have studios, and a bit about Sean and his life. He also very very kindly let me take some photos for my own project (Part D of the Arts Award!). And I managed to get some cool shots. I think I've finally got the hang of the whole blurred background thing on fancy cameras :)
All in all the experience of researching and preparing questions, then interviewing a real artist was brilliant. Vicky gave me some excellent feedback says I did a really good professional interview and Sean gave me a real insight into how he works and why and I’m proud to share it with others on the radio!
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