I hate my dreams! Had some monstrous nightmare about giant flying spiders biting peoples heads off. I really need to lay off the cheese. Which would make scenes if I actually liked cheese. Perhaps it was dodgy milk. Or just a crossed wire in the old noodle pot :D
Today is going to be an odd post, ‘cause we weren't actually at Site for long, but instead at a totally different gallery called Bank Street Arts. First we set off into town on an ‘assignment’, taking photos for a mini competition for the best photo in the team entitled ‘Hidden Sheffield’. From there it was all a mish mash of madness. Got some great photos in the peace gardens for my Part D art project! When we got there we left for dinner pretty much straight away (well after a quick look around the exhibition we’d be introduced to later) I went to straight to Greggs and got ma Mexican chicken. I ate it whilst having a conversation with two friends in the basement of MackyD’s about breaking on to the roof of the BT tower, and whether shredding paper is as good as a stress ball for anger management.
All would have being well and good, but within just ten minutes my stomach was already trying to kill me :( I reckon it must've been a dodgy Mexican in the sandwich. There I was thinking 'Oh its OK, I'll get a sit down back at work'. Fat chance. The art for the afternoon; Taxidermy. It wasn't so much the fact that I didn't like what I was seeing, it was more the fact I just wanted a sit down. But I knew if I did that everyone would instantly assume I was squeamish, and I couldn't let that happen! So I fought the pain (clichéd I know :D ), and acted as normal.
The show was by Susanne Gent, an artist who used Taxidermy in her work. It wasn't all that bad actually. I mean, I'm no big fan of stuffing dead animals but I guess it’s still an art. And it wasn't as if she just stuffed them and left them, she did put a twist on the common features of Taxidermy, such as putting the glass casing in different places (like actually in the badger!).
After this we did a mish mash of other things, cleaning glass cabinets, having a go at arranging gallery displays and visiting some of the works of photographer Jackie Bellamy who is behind 'Laringogirls', (photos of ladies in women’s toilets!) and who recommended the pizza at the Riverside :)
Going back to Bank Street me and Lucy volunteered to paint one of the walls in the basement. And as I rightly said, 'It's like painting white on white!'. But, I didn't get much paint on me, (quite) a bit on the floor but other wise fairly mess free :) The idea with the labour stuff was to introduce us to the fact a lot of people in the arts, regardless of their job, end up getting their hands dirty. It’s the nature of the business!
An empty tram on the way home was a nice surprise. The first day in two weeks I've had a sit down on the way home. There was literally four seats to every one person, I think it’s the emptiest I've seen the trams ever!
So yeah a nice end to a miss mesh day :)
Nite yal :D
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