(Today’s studio = the busiest the room’s been in ages - 15 people!)
Today has being a great today. Today has being brilliant. Today should be the standard that all other days have to live up to, making the world a happier, awesomer place :D
Very tired this morning. Four after twelve o'clock bedtimes are starting to take their toll. Struggling to keep eyes open, but I will fight on regardless! And by fight on, I mean I won't fall asleep :)
There was good news amongst the blurred vision and impaired hearing. The nice chaps who make my 'your music alarm clock' sent me an email apologizing for the apps crashing, and saying that they would fix it for tomorrow morning! I've never seen such good customer service! Thank you nice people :)
Got to work in a great mood, and started writing up all my arts award stuff and nonsense. I finished my Part B review of an art exhibit which I'm rather pleased with considering I've never reviewed anything. I also managed to get something roughed out about my Part A, but it’s a bit messy so I'll tidy that up later :)
Dinner was a bit of a flop, both of my friends bailing on me to sit in business meetings. "Mexican Chicken on my lonesome in the Winter Gardens I guess" :(
After a quiet dinner our studio was the busiest it’s been since our first day. All I was doing was finalising my questions for my interview with painter Sean Willaims, just being quiet and minding my own business, when all of a sudden these ninjas came out of nowhere! They came through the roof, the floor, the windows and EVEN the door! OK, so maybe that's exaggerated. They only came through the door. And yes, when I say ninjas, I mean various creative types. Tomato tomato. And I've just realised that that only works out loud :(
Anyway, the 'ninjas' flooded into the room! An animation graduate with Billy, a time lapse film maker with Jessy, two of Bryony’s friends for her photo project, Kim with Lucy and then Ben milling around in the background. It was quiet a nice atmosphere actually :D From this it just became more and more of a fantastical rush, getting better and better until the end :D
After work I went to interview an artist called Sean Williams, and I'm going to leave the details for the arts award post, but it was amazing! He was such a cool guy, and if you have the time I'd really recommend hearing what he had to say in my edited interview! After that I managed to get some more photos for my Part D that Sean kindly let us shoot in his studio. He even let me use him as a prop :)
After this it was good bye, rush home, get changed, eat/drink soup, rush to town. I went to see the a performance of Alice at the Crucible. And it was awesome! The acting was great, the jokes were funny, the plot was clever, and it was just generally an awesome experience! I'd greatly recommend to anyone who is considering going :D
And it doesn't finish there! Getting home I was given my scores for my Grade 5 clarinet exam, which were (just) a pass so I went to bed feeling pleased with my self :D After a nice chat with a friend (which cost me nearly two pound in credit!) I dropped off going into the nice swirly world of dreams...
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