Bad start to the day. First day with my Alarm app working again and the battery goes flat in the middle of the night. Typical :(
Beginning the day with writing up the events of yesterday, and writing up the whole experience at Site. I can't believe that tomorrow is my last day :( It only seems like yesterday that I walked into a room of quiet, quiet people....(Joking :) They're all awesome :D )
I began writing up my interview post for Part C, which can be seen just below this one on my trusty blog :) This (along with the random blog updating and note taking on today took up most the morning, so it was dinner in no time.
Met up with one friend (who's working as a civil servant) and we went to meet another who works at BT (I think I've mentioned?). And what did we see. Michael (BT kid) running towards us, still not having seen us but speeding up the pavements faster than I've ever seen him run. At least I thought it was towards us. Suddenly he veered sharply to the left and jumped on a bus just as the doors closed. We ran straight to the window and started jumping up and down like maniacs. When he looked up and saw us an evil grin spread across his face and as the bus pulled away he did the sort of wave you only expect to see in movies when the Goodies escape the Baddies.
Confused, we retreated again to the basement of MackyDs (As I believe it is now called by those who are 'with it') to find that the scoundrel had texted us. Here's what it read; Sorry Guys :( They've let me go at dinner today, so I decided to just go straight home. Was going to call you, but decided it'd be more fun to confuse you :D Seeing as you like that - priceless :) See ya round fools :)
This resulted in badmouthing him for the remainder of the meal, and comforting ourselves by saying how we were glad to be still at work, although deep inside, we both wish that we could have pulled off a trick like that :(
Getting back I began the long trawl through the interview sound clip, editing out all the bleeps and bloops. A very lengthy process, but time I'm willing to sacrifice for art ;) I would have finished it fairly quickly, and set off into the blogosphere, except for one tiny detail - you can't do anything on a mac without it trying to make life difficult for you. It crashed, wiping most of what I had done :( Brilliant. Just brilliant. Start again.
Half an hour later I'm finished, and pull the laptop towards me to get a better look at the saving screen boxes. Black screen. The life support power cable which makes up for the lack of working battery in the laptop came out. In a voice what I thought was relatively quiet, but turned out not to be so, I said (shouted) 'I hate Apple!'. I got up to stretch my legs while the blasted contraption restarted.
When I came back into the room, someone had put an actual apple on the keyboard of my Apple :D Very funny and all, but what do you do when this happens? Ask who's the apple is? Leave it till they come to take it back? NO! You eat it!
Computer restarted I finished (again) my editing and saved it this time, not risking a third crash from the 'trusty' state of the art technology. Lucy asked us about the biggest lie we've ever told and I told the tale of my (fake) three year stay in Russia, and how my friend willingly believes I'm fluent in Russian. If you ever read this Warren, I'm sorry but you are just so gullible :)
All was starting to go back on track once more. But it just wasn't going to be my day. My apple crashed for the third time while I was picking out photos for my Part D blog post. Giving up, me and Lucy (a journalism student working with us) just played hangman and tic-tac-toe for the last minutes of the day :).
We also had a look at the finished version of 'A Bit-Flat' (our version of the excellent 'In Flat Flat by Darren Solomon
http://www.inbflat.net) which we all recorded earlier in the week. Have a mess with the madness here -
http://sitegallery-workexperience.blogspot.com/Just before leaving I had a quick look at Bethany's Part D project, 'You Couldn't Put It On A Map...' which looks to be coming on great! A map of Sheffield dotted with pins locating memories of places different people have memories of. It looks really cool and neat apart from one pin that's miles out from all the rest, making the map stick out by two extra sheets in just one place. Still, an awesome idea!
Not much interesting at home did some blogging and watched a repeat of Sundays Topgear about motor-homes (RVs to you Americans out there) which made me LOL :D but a fairly quiet night by standard. Another 12 o'clock bedtime as well, meaning I'm going to be well and truly zombified by tomorrow :D
Until another day, Shalom my friend :)