I was nervous. VERY nervous. More so than my first day at school. More so than before an exam. I usually suffer with nerves, but never like this. I was actually shaking, stumbling over my words. I knew it was stupid, but all sorts of questions were whizzing round my head, none of which would be answered until I actually went to work. I know first day nerves are normal, and should just be ignored, but my brain doesn't like to operate in that nice, forgiving manor. Instead it likes to mess with me, give me something to keep me on my toes. Good ol' brain. It's only afterwards when I'm writing this now how ill-founded they actually were.
It turned out to be great! I would be working with seven other creative teenagers working on Apple laptops, visiting art galleries, and just generally being artistic for two weeks - awesome! We were given an introduction to the work by Vicky, went over the usual safety information and then just got stuck in, discussing what we'd be doing over the next two weeks.
So far so good.
Then dinner came.
Not the actual dinner, but the time. I was overjoyed with the fact that we could go anywhere in town for dinner, and had a full three quarters of an hour to eat it. That's fifteen minutes more than at school! But me - I was massively unprepared. It wasn't until I left the building that I realised I'd made bad decision number one - I was on my own. I'd made no arrangements to meet anyone what so ever. Typical me that. Deciding what to do next, I sat down on a bench. Bad decision number two. Just that morning it had being pouring with rain (typical Sheffield :D), and so the bench was soaked with rain. I leapt of the bench, the water already seeping through my jeans. Great. This was going to be a fun afternoon.
Having had dinner, I went back to the gallery. I sat down for part two of my first day feeling slightly damp, but determined to enjoy it all the same. A woman called Leslie Gui came in and gave us a talk on contemporary art. I actually really enjoyed it, and found out about some interesting new artists called John Stezake, Chris Ofili, and Susan Hiller, all of whom I wouldn't mind finding out more about. In paticualer John Stezaaker's photo layering art really convinced me that a photo does not have to stop at being a photo, it can evolve and be so much more! I might even have a go at doing some myself! In fact, I definitely will! When they're done, I'll post them on here for all to see, so stay tuned!
With not much time left we roughly introduced to our blogs, (which by the way Mr government people, are much better than those diary things you handed out) and then it was time to leave.
That's day one over! Bring on day two!
This is Foggy boy, over and out!
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