(saturday) Quite a busy day considering I wasn't at work.
I began the day with a nice leisurely browse of the funny-pics stored on my iPod. I tell you, if one day these become of some importance, I WILL be the most prepared man on earth. Until then, it’s just an annoying habit that means I never have any free space for new songs, apps and other more important things.
I would have happily laid there all day LOLing at others EPIC FAILS, but as normal my battery died. Seeing no other reason to stay there any longer, I got ready and began sorting out all the loose ends that I'd left for the weekend. How hard could it be?
I began with doing my part in Bethany's Part D project, 'You Couldn't Put It On A Map...'. The Assignment? Take photos of five places in Sheffield that you have memories of. That's the task. Simple right? Wrong. Turns out that despite me having lots of places in mind, I can't really remember where they are. Curse of having a bad memory. Still, I managed to find six places that fit the bill, just have to take the photos now. Leave that for tomorrow :)
After dinner, I tried to do some research for my interview of Sean Williams on Tuesday. Tried being the vital word in that there. After nearly two hours of searching I still found nothing except some cool pixilated billboard photos and some pictures (impossible to tell if they were photos or paintings!). Have to try again tomorrow.
Giving in there, I moved straight onto my own project, which involved yet more research. Wish I'd done this a bit earlier. I'll probably post details of what I'm doing tomorrow, just in time for the beginning of week two :D
Not much after that apart from writing this blog, which, I don't know about you but for me has being rather dull and a bit short (Again). Might watch a film, but unless there's something in it that fills me with floods of inspiration you'll probably never hear of that again.
I guess that's it. Rather disappointing really, for the day that had so much promise. Kinda like buying a really high quality kit car - it's only as good as you make it. If you don't fit the wheels on right, its gonna be a disappointing drive.
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