Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Day Three

It's day three in the Site Gallery, and Josh is starting to get used to how the iLaptop things work :D Major break through!

No problems getting up this morning, woke up automatically and was instantly in a good mood! Hoping it would last, I let off to work with a spring in my step :D

After typing some more on my blog (which is only getting posted today, Thursday!), we got stuck into fiddling with the ins and outs of photoshop. Man, if I had a bit more money I'd buy it. Hell! If I had a bit more money I'd buy an Apple! For now though on my non existent budget I guess I'll have to make do with Perhaps I should get a Saturday job?

After this we discussed what we would do for our Arts Award, to progress of which I will post on here under a new section called, surprisingly, Arts Award which can be found on the Menu tab of the Blog role to the right.

Then dinner. No friends today - one off ill and the other in a business meeting (Muhahaha!), so just me for Greggs today (Oh.... :( Damn). Ten minutes later I was sat in a bench in the winter gardens, eating a Mexican chicken sandwich and a classic Simpson's style doughnut. Yum :D. Oh, and a bottle of Lucazade sport. That's another story in itself. Up until a month ago, it was my belief that all types of Lucazade were fizzy, no matter what the flavor. And me not liking fizzy drinks (yes, I know its strange!) means that I've never tried Coke, Dr Pepper, or any of that gang. So imagine my surprise when it randomly crops up in conversation...

Friend: I like this sport stuff, but I don't half prefer the fizzy stuff
Me: What do you mean? They're all fizzy?
Friend: What? Where've you been? Non-fizzy Lucazades been out ages?
Me: What? What!
Friend: Here, have rest a mine
Me: *after long drink* WOW! JUST, WOW!

I kid you not, this was my reaction! The main appeal of the drink for me is how hyper it makes me feel. The lack of fizzy drinks combined with minimal sweet consumption has lead to me becoming very, very bouncy after a bottle. For me, its like drinking some magic liquid! I love the stuff! The rest, as they say, is history, having had one everyday since I discovered it, giving me that boost I need to push me past finish line that is period five! Amazing stuff...yeah.

After dinner was very quiet, just thinking about the arts award and what I can do for my final project. I continued the chat after finishing time with Vicky and I decided that I would like to combine my love of writing with some sort of Facebook project. Time to get my thinking cap on :) I also found out that one of the people helping on the scheme called Kim went to City (my school) so we had a chat about how it changed, and mostly about its falling reputation. But still, it was interesting to hear about how the school has changed, in some places for the better!

That's it!Day three over! So...bubedeh, buhbedeh, That all folks!

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