доброе утро as they say in Russia ;)
Drull roll for my self led project!
Damn alarm clock app didn't go off. Again. It's great being woke up by music of my choice, but if it has no sense of time what so ever, what use is that? Half an hour late it was! Half an hour! iPod technology may be state of the art and all that, but what is the world coming to if it can't even tell the time? I wouldn't get this from other alarm clocks. Those old fashioned ones with the shiny bells on top. Now they'd never let you down. Wonder where a guy could get one of those?
Today was a weird at the site gallery. We seemed to do so much in just one day. Looking back and trying to remember an order in which everything happened now is impossible (for me anyway. Memory like a sieve.), so if this is all wrong and wobbly I do apologise :)
At the start of the day we finished yesterdays rushed intro into blogging, and I worked a bit more on the notes on what I would post. In case you hadn't already noticed, I'm already two days behind schedule, posting this about the Tuesday on the Thursday. Hopefully though, with some sheer determination and a endless supply of Lucazade (a story for another day :D), I'll be up to date by the end of the week!
It didn't seem long before it was dinner, where I randomly bumped into two friends from school. After a McDonalds BigMac (Yum :D ) I went with them to see where they were working. No offense guys but the BT tower and a Healthy Schools program - I believe I've got he better deal :D
Running late, I ran back to the gallery hoping I wouldn't be to late. All was well, they were all just setting of to go and see the exhibit downstairs. The deputy director of Site Jeanine Griffin explained the collection to us, and pointed out the emphasis on circles and loops among all of the works. It turned out to be a collection of five looped movies, projected quite small onto the walls. With most of them they seemed rather simple, and In the case of one with some endlessly looping photos, a little dull. One however, with various shots of a circus caught my attention, with elephants stood on miniscule platforms, and crocodiles walking among the audience. I'm going to do an in-depth review on this exhibition as part of my Arts award later this week, so I'll have more chance to think about the connect, and give you my reader a further insight into the way I see it.
After this we had two very nice but very different chaps come in and talk to us about their love of producing movies. The first was a man called Rob Speranza, a self taught film producer who makes shorts, produces for movies from five minute wonders all the way up to feature films. He also runs the South Yorkshire Film Network which sounded interesting, and might even be worth some extra research. In fact, one of my colleges called Billy is interviewing him later today (So Thursday. Confusing yes I know), so I'll be very interested to what extra info he manages to find out.
The second was a guy called Richard Bolman, an opportunist photographer and film maker who showed us some (what i thought were some) abstract films about the Sheffield eye and some rotating solar panels. I thought the shadow shots in the 'eye' film were cool, but other than that I much preferred Robs fast paced mystery murderer film.
After this me and a girl called Bethan paired up, and went down to a photography studio downstairs. The room was set up with all cool professional photography equipment, big white sheet, big black camera, big umbrellas, the works! She took some of me (one of my favourite can be seen to the right) and then I took some of her (which can be seen on her blog here bethangoodhead-site.blogspot.com). Being my first time using a proper camera, I was rather pleased with my self :).
After this, we went out to the train station and filmed some random snippets which we were told would come in use later (Oooo! Mysterious!)
And thats it! Day two over! A very busy day, even when compared to a day before coursework deadline! Until next time, Goodnight!